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New Medical Devices

The novel medical devices featured on this page are unique class III medical devices that have received premarket approval (PMA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Class II devices that require FDA 510(k) premarket notification clearance are not generally considered to be novel devices because the marketing submission requirement is to show that the device is substantially equivalent to a currently marketed predicate device. One exception where a new class I or II medical device may be considered to be novel is if it was reclassified from class III through the De Novo reclassification request.

Medical device approvals

Medical device approval paths are:

  • Pre-market notification, also known as a 510(k)
  • Pre-market approval (PMA)
  • De Novo product classification request, and
  • Humanitarian device exemption (HDA).

Device class and required approvals

Depending on the level of risk their use may present, medical devices either do not need an explicit approval or require one of the three types of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) device approvals. Class I is the lowest device risk classification, and most class I devices, such as tongue depressors, do not require a U.S. marketing application. Product manufacturers do have obligations, however, such as establishment registration and device listings, and a quality system that includes a compliant complaint handling system.

Most class II moderate-risk devices require a premarket notification, or 510(k) submission to demonstrate that the product is substantially equivalent to a predicate device that has been cleared for sale on the U.S. market. A 510(k) submission is required for new devices and significant changes to existing products.

New class III high-risk devices will first require an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for a clinical study to show that the device is safe and effective. Then, the manufacturer must submit a voluminous PMA for FDA review and approval.

FDA automatically classifies any new type of medical device that was not on the U.S. market prior to the 1976 Medical Device Amendments (MDA) as a class III device. A De Novo classification request is to ask FDA to review the new device’s characteristics and re-classify it as a class I or class II medical device.

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    FDA Approves XACT Carotid Stent System

    A Breakthrough for Stroke Prevention  Abbott Vascular Inc. has received FDA approval for its groundbreaking XACT Carotid Stent System, a significant advancement in stroke prevention technology. Approved on February 7, 2024, this innovative system offers new hope for...

    New Medical Devices

    New Medical Devices

    DateDevice NamePMA ApplicantCategoryLink
    11/6/2024VARIPULSE Platform (VARIPULSE Catheter; TRIPULSE Generator; Sterile Interface Cable; nGEN Pump) - P240006Biosense Webster, Inc.CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    10/24/2024Sphere-9 Catheter and Affera Ablation System - P240013Medtronic Inc.CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    10/17/2024Oncomine Dx Target Test - P160045/S046Life Technologies CorporationLab TestFDA Approval Overview
    10/11/2024Neuroguard IEP®  System - P240009 Contego Medical Inc.CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    8/28/2024Minima Stent System - P240003Renata MedicalStentFDA Approval Overview
    8/26/2024Altius Direct Electrical Nerve Stimulation System - P230020Neuros Medical, Inc.Stimulation SystemFDA Approval Overview
    7/26/2024Shield - P230009Guardant Health, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    7/2/2024UNIPURE C3F8 Ophthalmic Gas, UNIFEYE Gas Delivery System, UNIPEXY Gas Delivery System - P220030Alcon Research, LLCEye InjectionFDA Approval Overview
    6/27/2024MYNX CONTROL Venous Vascular Closure Device (VCD) 6F-12F - P040044/S097Cordis US CorporationVascular Closure Delivery SystemFDA Approval Overview
    5/30/2024Abbott Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Systems - P010032/S191Abbott MedicalStimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    5/23/2024Edwards SAPIEN 3, SAPIEN 3 Ultra, and SAPIEN 3 Ultra RESILIA Transcatheter Heart Valve System - P140031/S162Edwards Lifesciences LLCHeart ValveFDA Approval Overview
    5/14/2024BD Onclarity HPV Assay - P160037/S017Becton, Dickinson and CompanyLab TestFDA Approval Overview
    5/14/2024cobas HPV Test for 4800 System - P100020/S055Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    5/14/2024cobas HPV for 5800/6800/8800 Systems - P190028/S009Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    5/3/2024ColoSense - P230001Geneoscopy, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    4/25/2024nAbCyte Anti-AAVRh74var HB-FE Assay - H230005LabCorp Drug DevelopmentLab TestFDA Approval Overview
    4/26/2024Esprit BTK Everolimus Eluting Resorbable Scaffold System - P230036Abbott MedicalCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    4/17/2024Lumicell Direct Visualization Systems (DVS) - P230014Lumicell, Inc.Imaging DeviceFDA Approval Overview
    4/5/2024GORE EXCLUDER Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis (EXCC) - P200030/S014W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.StentFDA Approval Overview
    4/1/2024TriClip G4 System - P230007Abbott MedicalHeart Clip ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    3/29/2024LIAISON Biotrin Parvovirus B19 IgG Plus, LIAISON Biotrin Control Parvovirus B19 IgG Plus - P220034DiaSorin Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    2/29/2024AGENT Paclitaxel-Coated Ballon Catheter - P230035Boston Scientific CorporationCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    2/29/2024Vercise PC, Vercise Gevia, and Vercise Genus Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) System - P150031/S064Boston Scientific CorporationStimulation SystemFDA Approval Overview
    2/26/2024INTELLANAV STABLEPOINT Ablation Catheter & Force Sensing System on the RHYTHMIA HDX Mapping System - P150005/S074Boston Scientific CorporationCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    2/9/2024Xstim Spine Fusion Stimulator - P230025Xstim Inc.StimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    2/7/2024XACT Carotid Stent System - P040038/S043Abbott Vascular Inc.StentFDA Approval Overview
    2/5/2024Spectra WaveWriter SCS System, WaveWriter Alpha SCS System, WaveWriter Alpha Prime SCS Spinal Cord Stimulation Systems - P030017/S363Boston Scientific Corp.Stimulation SystemFDA Approval Overview
    02/01/2024Edwards EVOQUE Tricuspid Valve Replacement SystemEdwards Lifesciences LLCTricuspid Valve Replacement SystemFDA Approval Overview
    10/27/2023RHA 3 dermal fillerTeoxane SA Dermal FillerFDA Approval Overview
    10/20/2023Aurora Extravascular Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (EV-ICD) SystemMedtronic Inc.Heart MonitorFDA Approval Overview
    09/29/2023CRCdx® RAS Mutation Detection KitEntroGen, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    09/29/2023Oncomine™ Dx Target TestLife Technologies CorporationLab TestFDA Approval Overview
    09/27/2023Belotero Balance® (+)Merz North America, Inc.Dermal FillerFDA Approval Overview
    09/11/2023LimFlow™ SystemLimFlow, Inc. StentFDA Approval Overview
    08/08/2023Boston Scientific Cardiac Cryoablation System and Accessories, consisting of: POLARx Cryoablation Balloon Catheter, POLARx FIT Cryoablation Balloon Catheter, SMARTFREEZE Cryoablation System ConsoleBoston Scientific CorporationCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    07/28/2023Minitouch 3.8 Era System (Minitouch System)MicroCube, LLCEndometrialFDA Approval Overview
    07/21/2023PALMAZ MULLINS XD Pulmonary StentCordis US Corp.StentFDA Approval Overview
    07/06/2023CraniSeal Dural SealantPramand, LLCSutures SealantFDA Approval Overview
    06/30/2023Optilume BPH Catheter SystemUrotronic, Inc.Prostatic CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    06/29/2023AAV5 DetectCDxARUP LaboratoriesLab TestFDA Approval Overview
    06/23/2023HeartSync Multifunction Disposable Single-Use AED Defibrillator Pads Graphic Controls dba Nissha Medical Technologies/ Vermed/ Biomedical InnovationsDefibrillatorFDA Approval Overview
    06/16/2023SurVeil Drug-Coated BalloonSurmodics, Inc.CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    06/15/2023TOPS SystemPremia Spine, Ltd.Spinal ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    06/08/2023FoundationOne Liquid CDx (F1 Liquid CDx)Foundation Medicine, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    06/08/2023Inspire Upper Airway StimulationInspire Medical Systems, Inc.Nerve StimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    06/07/2023DETOUR SystemEndologix, LLCStentFDA Approval Overview
    06/02/2023LiquiFix FIX8 and LiquiFix Precision Hernia Mesh Fixation DevicesAdvanced Medical Solutions LimitedHernia FixationFDA Approval Overview
    06/02/2023Perclose ProStyle Suture-Mediated Closure and Repair System and
    Perclose ProGlide Suture-Mediated Closure System
    Abbott VascularCatheter SystemsFDA Approval Overview
    05/19/2023PerClot Polysaccharide Hemostatic SystemArtivion, Inc. (formerly CryoLife, Inc.)Hemostatic systemFDA Approval Overview
    05/18/2023TactiFlex Ablation Catheter, Sensor EnabledAbbott MedicalCardiac catheter FDA Approval Overview
    05/17/2023VEGA Steroid-Eluting Endocardial Pacing LeadMicroPort CRMCardiac ImplantsFDA Approval Overview
    05/15/2023REFLECT Scoliosis Correction SystemGlobus Medical, Inc.Spinal ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    05/11/2023SKINVIVE by JUVÉDERMAllergan AestheticsDermal FillerFDA Approval Overview
    05/08/2023Restylane EyelightGalderma Laboratories, L.P.Dermal FillerFDA Approval Overview
    05/03/2023FoundationOne Liquid CDx (F1 Liquid CDx)Foundation Medicine, Inc. Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    04/28/2023ADVIA Centaur XP/XPT HBc Total 2 (HBcT2)
    ADVIA Centaur XP/XPT HBc Total 2 Quality Control (HBcT2 QC)
    ADVIA Centaur CP HBc Total 2 (HBcT2)
    ADVIA Centaur CP HBc Total 2 Quality Control (HBcT2 QC)
    Atellica IM HBc Total 2 (HBcT2)
    Atellica IM HBc Total 2 Quality Control (HBcT2 QC)
    Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    04/28/2023xT CDxTempus Labs, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    04/25/2023SculptraQ-Med AB Gel ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    04/25/2023Precision7; Precision7 for Astigmatism; Precision7 Multifocal; Precision7 Multifocal Toric (serafilcon A) Soft Contact LensesAlcon Laboratories, Inc.Contact LensFDA Approval Overview
    04/21/2023MiniMed 780G SystemMedtronic MiniMed, Inc. Glucose MonitorFDA Approval Overview
    04/04/2023Lava Liquid Embolic SystemBlackSwan Vascular, Inc.Vascular Hemorrhage BlockerFDA Approval Overview
    03/31/2023NeuRx Diaphragm Pacing System (NeuRx DPS)Synapse Biomedical, Inc. Breathing StimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    03/31/2023Prospera Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) SystemsBIOTRONIK NRO, INC.Spinal StimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    03/22/2023iCast Covered Stent SystemAtrium Medical CorporationStentFDA Approval Overview
    03/20/2023Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS)Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.Nerve StimulatorFDA Approval Overview
    03/07/2023CALCIVIS Imaging SystemCALCIVIS LimitedSyringe ApplicatorFDA Approval Overview
    03/07/2023RelayPro Thoracic Stent-Graft SystemBolton Medical, Inc.StentFDA Approval Overview
    03/01/2023VENTANA PD-L1 (SP263) AssayVentana Medical Systems, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    02/22/2023tableVisc and TotalVisc Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device (OVD)Bausch Health Companies, Inc.Cataract surgeryFDA Approval Overview
    02/15/2023Prodigy, Proclaim, and Proclaim XR Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Systems – P010032/S189Abbott MedicalSpinal ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    1/27/2023Guardant360 CDx - P200010/S010Guardant Health, Inc.Lab TestFDA Approval Overview
    12/14/2022FlexAbility SE Bi-Directional Ablation Catheter
    FlexAbility SE Uni-Directional Ablation Catheter
    Abbott MedicalCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    12/12/2022Agilent Resolution ctDx FIRSTResolution Bioscience, Inc.Laboratory testFDA Approval Overview
    Magtrace and Sentimag Magnetic Localization System - P160053/S002
    Endomagnetics Ltd.Biopsy guideFDA Approval Overview
    VENTANA FOLR1 (FOLR-2.1) RxDx Assay - P220006
    Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.
    Lab Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    Chocolate Touch Paclitaxel Coated PTA Ballon Catheter - P210039
    TriReme Medical, LLC
    FDA Approval Overview
    Avive Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Accessories - P210015
    Avive Solutions, Inc.
    FDA Approval Overview
    The Spanner Temporary Prostatic Stent - P060010/S013
    SRS Medical Systems, Inc.
    FDA Approval Overview
    PATHWAY anti-HER-2/neu (4B5) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody - P990081/S047 
    Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    9/21/2022Oncomine Dx Target Test - P160045/S031 
    Life Technologies Corporation
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    PASCAL Precision Transcatheter Valve Repair System - P220003 
    Edwards Lifesciences LLC
    Heart valve 
    FDA Approval Overview
    NeVa VS - H210004 
    FDA Approval Overview
    Oncomine Dx Target Test - P160045/S035 
    Life Technologies Corporation
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    Guardant360 CDx - P200010/S008 
    Guardant Health, Inc.
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    ARCHITECT HBsAg NEXT Qualitative Reagent Kit - P210003 
    Abbott Laboratories
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    JUVEDERM VOLUX XC - P110033/S065 
    Gel implants or Dermal filler 
    FDA Approval Overview
    IC-8 Apthera Intraocular Lens (IOL) - P210005 
    AcuFocus, Inc.
    FDA Approval Overview
    LungFit PH - P200044 
    Beyond Air, Inc
    Lung Ventilator 
    FDA Approval Overview
    FoundationOne CDx – P170019/S014 
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    ADVIA Centaur HBc Total 2 (HBcT2), ADVIA Centaur HBc Total 2 Quality Control (HBcT2 QC), Atellica IM HBc Total 2 (HBcT2), Atellica IM HBc Total 2 Quality Control (HBcT2 QC) – P210019
    Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.
    Lab Test 
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/22/2022SBL-3 Multifocal Intraocular Lens – P200020 Lenstec, Inc.Multifocal Intraocular Lens FDA Approval Overview
    05/13/2022BioFreedom Drug Coated Coronary Stent System - P190020 Biosensors International USA, Inc.Stent FDA Approval Overview
    05/13/2022GORE TAG Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis – P210032 W.L. GORE & AssociatesStent FDA Approval Overview
    05/09/2022Aptima CMV Quant Assay - P210029 Hologic, Inc.Lab Test FDA Approval Overview
    05/05/2022Alinity m CMV Assay – P210022 Abbott Molecular, Inc.Lab Test FDA Approval Overview
    05/03/2022AccelStim Bone Growth Stimulator – P210035 Orthofix US LLCStimulator FDA Approval Overview
    04/28/2022ENROUTE Transcarotid Stent System – P140026/S016 Silk Road Medical, Inc.Stent FDA Approval Overview
    04/27/2022Organ Care System (OCS) Heart System - P180051/S001 TransMedics, Inc.Portable Enclosure FDA Approval Overview
    04/19/2022Thoraflex Hybrid - P210006 Terumo Aortic (Vascutek Limited)Aneurysm FDA Approval Overview
    03/31/2022Aveir Leadless Pacing System – Aveir Leadless Pacemaker, Model LSP112V (Right Ventricular); Aveir Delivery Catheter, Model LSCD111; and Aveir Link Module, Module LSL02 – P150035 Abbott MedicalLeadless Pacemaker System FDA Approval Overview
    03/25/2022Stellarex 0.035 OTW Drug-coated Angioplasty Ballon - P160049/S015 Philips Image Guided Therapy CorporationAngioplasty Ballon FDA Approval Overview
    03/25/2022EVO/EVO+ VISIAN Implantable Collamer Lens - P030016/S035 STAAR Surgical CompanyImplantable Collamer Lens FDA Approval Overview
    03/17/2022Et Control - P210018 Datex-Ohmeda, Inc., a General Electric CompanySoftware Feature FDA Approval Overview
    03/01/2022eCoin Peripheral Neurostimulator - P200036 Valencia Technologies CorporationBladder Control FDA Approval Overview
    02/28/2022Evoke Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) System - P190002 Saluda Medical Pty Ltd.Spinal Cord Stimulation System FDA Approval Overview
    02/18/2022CardioMEMS HF System - P100045/S056 St. Jude Medical (now Abbott)Heart Monitor FDA Approval Overview
    02/18/2022FoundationOne CDx - P170019/S029 Foundation Medicine, Inc.Lab Test FDA Approval Overview
    02/10/2022Eversense E3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System - P160048/S016 Senseonics, Inc.Glucose Monitor FDA Approval Overview
    01/17/2022Senza Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) System - P130022/S042 Nevro CorporationSpinal Stimulation System FDA Approval Overview
    01/12/2022Prometra Programmable Infusion Pump System - P080012/S068 Flowonix Medical, Inc.Infusion Pump FDA Approval Overview
    01/10/2022Nucleus 24 Cochlear Implant System - P970051/S205 Cochlear AmericasCochlear Implant FDA Approval Overview
    12/22/2021RHA Redensity - P170002/S012TEOXANE S.A.Dermal FillerFDA Approval Overview
    12/22/2021Amplatzer Amulet Left Atrial Appendage Occluder - P200049Abbott MedicalImplantFDA Approval Overview
    12/21/2021SCOREFLEX NC SCORING PTCA CATHETER - P200041OrbusNeich Medical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.CatheterFDA Approval Overview
    12/13/2021SLENDER Sirolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent Integrated Delivery System and DIRECT Sirolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent Rapid Exchange Delivery System - P210014Svelte Medical Systems, Inc. Stent Delivery SystemFDA Approval Overview
    12/09/2021OrganOx metra® System - P200035OrganOx LimitedDonor Liver Transport SystemFDA Approval Overview
    12/07/20214Kscore Test - P190022OPKO Health, Inc.Laboratory TestFDA Approval Overview
    12/03/2021Optilume® Urethral Drug Coated Balloon - P210020Urotronic, Inc.Drug Coated BalloonFDA Approval Overview
    11/23/2021TactiCath Contact Force Ablation Catheter, Sensor Enabled - P130026/S070Abbott MedicalCatheterFDA Approval Overview
    10/29/2021Exablate Model 4000 Type 1.0 and 1.1 System ("Exablate Neuro") - P150038/S014INSIGHTEC, Inc.UltrasoundFDA Approval Overview
    10/20/2021Vercise™ PC, Vercise Gevia™ and Vercise Genus™ Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) System - P150031/S040Boston Scientific CorporationImplantFDA Approval Overview
    10/15/2021VENTANA PD-L1 (SP263) Assay - P160046/S010Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.Laboratory TestFDA Approval Overview
    10/15/2021Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon System - P190012Spatz FGIA Inc.ImplantFDA Approval Overview
    10/12/2021Ki-67 IHC MIB-1 pharmDx (Dako Omnis) - P210026Agilent Technologies, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    10/06/2021SoftVue Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound System with Sequr Breast Interface Assembly - P200040
    Delphinus Medical Technologies, Inc.Ultrasound
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/28/2021Organ Care System (OCS) Liver - P200031
    TransMedics, Inc.Portable Enclosure
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/26/2021ConMed PadPro Multifunction Electrodes, ConMed PadPro Multifunction Electrode Adapters - P200004
    ConMed CorporationDefibrillator Components
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/17/2021Portico Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation System - P190023
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/15/2021Oncomine Dx Target Test - P160045/S029
    Life Technologies CorporationLaboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/03/2021Organ Care System (OCS) Heart System - P180051
    TransMedics, Inc.Transplant
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/01/2021RADIESSE (+) Lidocaine Injectable Implant - P050052/S129
    Merz North America, Inc.Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/25/2021Oncomine Dx Target Test - P160045/S028
    Life Technologies CorporationLaboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/17/2021VENTANA MMR RxDx Panel - P210001
    Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    07/27/2021ASSURE Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator System Kit (P/N 80014-001), Monitor (P/N 80008-003), Therapy Cable (P/N 80004-003), Garment Style A (P/N 80015-XXX*) and Style B (P/N 80016-XXX*), Rechargeable Battery (P/N 3322882-005), Carry Pack (3326503-003), Battery Charger (3326633-004), Tablet (P/N 80041-001) - P200037
    Kestra Medical Technologies, IncDefibrillator
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/28/2021therascreen KRAS RGQ PCR Kit - P110027/S012
    QIAGEN GmbH Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/29/2021Agili-C – P210034
    CartiHeal Ltd.Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    02/17/2021Patient Specific Talus Spacer - H200001
    Additive Orthopaedics, LLCImplant
    FDA Approval Overview
    02/12/2021Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) System with the Shockwave C2 Coronary Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) Catheter - P200039
    Shockwave Medical, Inc.Catheter
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/29/2020Vercise™ PC and Vercise Gevia™ Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) System - P150031/S028
    Boston Scientific CorporationImplantable Pulse Generator
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/23/2020MiniMed 770G System - P160017/S076
    Medtronic MiniMed, Inc.Glucose Monitor
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/22/2020Gore® Excluder® Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis - P200030
    W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc.Catheter
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/18/2020Osseonachored Prostheses for Rehabiliation of Amputees (OPRA)TM Implant System - P190009
    Integrum ABImplant
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/09/2020ActaStim-S Spine Fusion Stimulator - P190030
    Theragen, Inc.Bone Growth Stimulator
    FDA Approval Overview
    12/01/2020Plasma Delipidation System (PDS-2™ System) - H190001
    HDL Therapeutics, Inc.Plasma Plaque Reducer
    FDA Approval Overview
    11/27/2020Sonalleve MR-HIFU - H190003
    Profound Medical Inc.High Intensity Ultrasound
    FDA Approval Overview
    11/23/2020FoundationOne® CDx - P170019/S017
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    11/23/2020Oncomine™ Dx Target Test - P160045/S019
    Life Technologies CorporationFDA Approval Overview
    11/06/2020FoundationOne Liquid CDx - P200016
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    10/30/2020Ranger Paclitaxel-Coated PTA Balloon Catheter - P190019
    Boston Scientific CorporationCatheter
    FDA Approval Overview
    10/21/2020Abre Venous Self-expanding Stent System - P200026
    Medtronic Vascular, Inc.Stent
    FDA Approval Overview
    10/09/2020Zilver Vena Venous Self-Expanding Stent - P200023
    Cook Ireland, Ltd.Stent
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/30/2020THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH SF Bi-Directional Navigation Catheter THERMOCOOL SMARTTOUCH SF Uni-Directional Navigation Catheter - P030031/S100
    Biosense Webster, Inc.Catheter
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/22/2020Resolute Onyx Zotarolimus-Eluting Coronary Stent System – P160043/S034
    Medtronic VascularStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/21/2020Revanesse® Lips+ - P160042/S010
    Prollenium Medical Technologies, Inc.Dermal Filler
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/18/2020Simplify Cervical Artificial Disc - P200022
    Simplify Medical, Inc.Cervical Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    09/09/2020Edwards SAPIEN 3 and SAPIEN 3 Ultra Transcatheter Heart Valve System - P140031/S112
    Edwards Lifesciences LLCValve Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/31/2020Edwards SAPIEN 3 Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve System with Alterra Adaptive Prestent – P200015/S011
    Edwards Lifesciences LLCStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/31/2020Edwards SAPIEN 3 Transcatheter Heart Valve System with Edwards Commander Delivery System - P200015
    Edwards Lifesciences LLCHeart Valve
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/29/2020LIAISON XL MUREX HBsAg Confirmatory test, LIAISON® XL MUREX Control HBsAg, LIAISON® XL MUREX Qual HBsAg - P190017
    DiaSorin Inc.HBsAg Confirmatory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/29/2020LIAISON® XL MUREX HBeAg, LIAISON® XL MUREX Control HBeAg - P180048
    DiaSorin Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/29/2020LIAISON® XL MUREX HBc IgM, LIAISON® MUREX Control HBc IgM - P180045
    DiaSorin Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/29/2020Alinity m HBV - P200013
    Abbott Molecular, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/29/2020LIAISON® XL MUREX anti-HBe, LIAISON® XL MUREX Control anti-HBe - P180049
    DiaSorin Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/26/2020FoundationOne Liquid CDx - P190032
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/11/2020SYNERGY Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System (Monorail and Over-The-Wire) - P15003/S058
    Boston Scientific CorporationStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/07/2020Kendall™ Multifunction Defibrillation Electrodes - P190007
    Cardinal HealthAutomated External Defibrillator (AED)
    FDA Approval Overview
    08/07/2020Guardant360 CDx - P200010
    Guardant Health, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    07/30/2020Neuroform Atlas® Stent System - P180031/S001
    Stryker NeurovascularStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    07/28/2020VENTANA HER2 Dual ISH DNA Probe Cocktail - P190031
    Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    07/21/2020WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device with Delivery System and WATCHMAN FLX Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device with Delivery System - P130013/S035
    Boston Scientific CorporationStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/23/2020The Arctic Front Advance™ and Arctic Front Advance Pro™ and The Freezor Max™ Cardiac Cryoablation Catheters - P100010/S098
    Medtronic Inc.Catheter
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/18/2020cobas® EZH2 Mutation Test - P200014
    Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/16/2020Reactiv8 Implantable Neurostimulation System - P190021
    Mainstay Medical LimitedImplantable Neurostimulation System
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/16/2020FoundationOne®CDx - P170019/S016
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/12/2020JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ XC - P110033/S047
    AllerganDermal Filler
    FDA Approval Overview
    06/08/2020PD-L1 IHC 28-8 pharmDx - P150025/S013
    Dako North America, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/19/2020FoundationOne CDx - P170019/S015
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/11/2020HeartStart FRx Defibrillator (861304), Primary Battery (Model M5070A), Aviation FRx Battery (989803139301), SMART Pads II (Model 989803139261), and Infant/Child Key (Model 989803139311) - P180028
    Philips Medical SystemsAutomated External Defibrillator (AED)
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/11/2020Philips HeartStart FR3 Defibrillator, Primary Battery, Rechargeable Battery, Charger for the Rechargeable Battery, SmartPads III, DP pads, and Pediatric Key - P160028
    Philips Medical SystemsAutomated External Defibrillator (AED)
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/06/2020FoundationOne CDx - P170019/S011
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    05/04/2020TREO® Abdominal Stent-Graft System - P190015
    Bolton Medical, Inc.Stent
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/17/2020FoundationOne CDx - P170019/S013
    Foundation Medicine, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/15/2020The therascreen® BRAF V600E RGQ PCR Kit - P190026
    QIAGEN GmbHLaboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/14/2020Inspire® Upper Airway Stimulation - P130008/S039
    Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.Implantable Nerve Stimulator
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/10/2020Tack Endovascular System® (4F, 1.5-4.5mm) - P190027
    Intact Vascular, Inc.Vascular Patch
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/10/2020The prodisc® L Total Disc Replacement - P050010/S020
    Centinel Spine, LLCDisc Replacement
    FDA Approval Overview
    04/03/2020The cobas HPV for use on the cobas 6800/8800 Systems - P190028
    Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/26/2020Restylane® Kysse - P140029/S021
    Q-Med, AB Gel Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/23/2020Alinity m HCV - P190025
    Abbott Molecular, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/18/2020LIAISON® XL MUREX Anti-HBs, LIAISON® XL MUREX Control Anti-HBs, LIAISON® XL MUREX Anti-HBs Verifiers - P180039
    DiaSorin Inc.Hepatitis B (HBV)
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/17/2020VENOUS WALLSTENT - P980033/S050
    Boston Scientific CorporationStent
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/17/2020Nucleus 24 Cochlear Implant System - P970051/S172
    Cochlear AmericasCochlear Implant
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/13/2020Alto™ Abdominal Stent Graft System - P120006/S031
    Endologix, Inc.Stent
    FDA Approval Overview
    03/10/2020Ventana Medical Systems CINtec PLUS Cytology - P190024
    Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.Laboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    02/26/2020AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision Intraocular Lens (IOL) (Model DFT015), AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Toric Extended Vision IOLs (DFT315, DFT415, DFT515), AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision UV Absorbing IOL (DAT015), and AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Toric Extended Vision UV Absorbing IOLs (DAT315, DAT415, DAT515) - P930014/S126
    Alcon Laboratories, Inc.Intraocular Lens (IOL)
    FDA Approval Overview
    02/18/2020PyloPlus UBT System - P170022
    ARJ Medical IncLaboratory Test
    FDA Approval Overview
    02/14/2020Bulkamid Urethral Bulking System - P170023
    Contura International A/SIncontinence
    FDA Approval Overview
    01/22/2020Flow Re-Direction Endoluminal Device (FRED®) System - P180027
    MicroVention, Inc.Stent
    FDA Approval Overview
    01/20/2020Abbott InfinityTM DBS Neurostimulation System - P140009/Abbott InfinityTM DBS Neurostimulation System - P140009/S039
    Abbott MedicalNeurostimulation System
    FDA Approval Overview
    01/07/2020Clareon Aspheric IOL, Clareon Toric Aspheric IOL, Clareon Aspheric IOL, AutonoMe System, Clareon Toric IOL, AutonoMe System - P190018
    Alcon Research, Ltd.Intraocular Lens (IOL)
    FDA Approval Overview
    01/02/2020LIAISON® XL MUREX Anti-HBc, LIAISON® XL MUREX Control Anti-HBc - P180038
    DiaSorin Inc.Blood Assay
    FDA Approval Overview